Review on 2023 – Awards, Funding, Publications

We look back on a successful year 2023. In addition to different awards for our scientists, newly funded research projects, we have a number of joint publications highlighting new insights within the research field of PoLIfaces. Beside, single fundings in the field of RNA drug research or cochlear research, the funding for the RTG 2467 and RTG 2498 (being located at MLU) were extended in 2023. Moreover, the CRC 1636 at University of Potsdam will be newly funded.

A. Alsawaf, Y. Kanaehira, A. M. Bapolisi, I. Bald, M. Hartlieb* PLLA-Based Block Copolymers via Raft Polymerization – Impact of the Synthetic Route and Activation Mechanism. Macromol. Cem. Phys. 224 (24), 2300274 (2023).

C. Balischewski, B. Bhattacharyya*, J. J. Bailey, S. D. Place, P. Nockemann, J. Kim, A. Wedel, S. Gahlaut, I. Bald, W. Li, Y. Garcia, E. Sperlich, C. Günter, A. Kelling, A. Taubert* Elucidating the Iron-Based Ionic Liquid [C4py][FeCl4]: Structural Insights and Potential for Nonaqueous Redox Flow Batteries, Adv. Funct. Mater. (2023), 2311571,

B. Bhattacharyya*, C. Balischweski, C. Pacholski, A. Pandey, I. Bald, A. Taubert* Copper Iron Chalcogenide Semiconductor Nanocrystals in Energy and Optoelectronics Applications – State of the Art, Challenges, and Future Potential. Adv. Optical Mater. 11 (8), 2202411 (2023).

M. Gaudig, W. Münchgesang, J. Martins de Souza e Silva, F. Pascher, T. Hickmann, R. B. Wehrspohn* Electromechanical and electrochemical properties of highly filled Titanium composites for PEM bipolar plates, Appl. Phys. A (2023), 129 (95),

J. Heinzelmann*, S. Hecht, A.R. Vogt, U. Siebolts, P. Kaatzsch, A. Viestenz, Repetitive Bleomycin-Based Electrochemotherapy Improves Antitumor Effectiveness in 3D Tumor Models of Conjunctival Melanoma, J Clin Med. (2023), 12,

R. B. J. Ihlenburg, D. Petracek, P. Schrank, M. D. DavariA. Taubert*, D. Rothenstein* Identification of the First Sulfobetaine Hydrogel-Binding Peptides via Phage Display Assay, Macromol. Rapid Commun. (2023), 44 (16), 2200896,

Z. Katcharava, X. Zhou, R. Bhandary, R. Sattler, H. Huth, M. Beiner, A. Marinow, W. H. Binder* Solvent and catalyst free vitrimeric poly(ionic liquid) electrolytes. RSC Advances (2023), 13, 14435-14442,

A.-C. Lehnen, S. Hanke, M. Schneider, C. M. L. Radelof, J. Perestrelo, S. Reinicke, M. Reifarth, A. Taubert, K. M. Arndt, M. Hartlieb* Modification of 3D-printed PLA structures using Photo-iniferter RAFT Polymerization: Toward on-demand antimicrobial water filters. Macromol Rapid Commun (2023), 44 (22), e2300408,

E. Lehner; C. Honeder; W. Knolle; W. H. Binder; J. Scheffler; S. K. Plontke; A. Liebau; K. Mäder Towards the optimization of drug delivery to the cochlear apex: Influence of polymer and drug selection in biodegradable intracochlear implants. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 643, 123268 (2023).

J. Li*, A. Reimers, K.M. Dang, M. G. K. Brunk, J. Drewes, U. M. Hirsch, C. Willems, C. E. H. Schmelzer, T. Groth, A.S. Nia, X. Feng, F. Schütt, W. D. Sacher, R. Adelung, J. K. S. Poon* 3D printed neural tissues with in situ optical dopamine sensors. Biosens. Bioelectron. 222, 114942 (2023).

A. Liebau, S. K. Plontke, E. Lehner, D. Bethmann, K. Mäder, T. Rahne. Safety and audiological outcome in a case series of tertiary therapy of sudden hearing loss with a biodegradable drug delivery implant for controlled release of dexamethasone to the inner ear. Front. Neurosci., 16, 892777 (2023).

F. Rummel, A. Anuar, Y. Qiang, F.-U. Wehmeyer, M. Rohmer, M. Vogt, F. Haase, W. H. Binder, K. Saalwächter, T. Thurn-Albrecht, R. Langer* Homo- to Co-Polyester Conversion in the Absence of Reagents Facilitated by a Dual Catalytic Process Involving Hydrogen Borrowing, ChemRxiv. Cambridge: Cambridge Open Engage (2023), This content is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed.

K. Saalwächter*, T. Thurn-Albrecht, W. Paul. Recent Progress in Understanding Polymer Crystallization, Macromol Chem Phys (2023), 2200424,

N. Sen, C. Haupt, G. Hause, K. Bacia, W. H. Binder* Inhibition of the fibrillation of amyloid Aβ1-40 by hybrid- lipid-polymer vesicles. Macromol. Bioscience (2023), 2200522,

F. Thümmler, R. Maragani, F.-J. Schmitt, G. Tang, S. M. Rahmanlou, J. Laufer, H. Lucas, K. Mäder, W. H. Binder* Thermoresponsive Swelling of Photoacoustic Single-Chain Nanoparticles. Chem. Commun., 59, 11373-11376 (2023).

J. F. Thümmler, A. H. Roos, J. Krüger, D. Hinderberger, F.-J. Schmitt, G. Tang, F. G. Golmohamadi, J. Laufer, W. H. Binder* Tuning the Internal Compartimentation of Single-Chain Nanoparticles as Fluorescent Contrast Agent. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 44, 2200618 (2023).

Z. Wang, M. Schaller, A. Petzold, K. Saalwächter, T. Thurn-Albrecht* How entaglements determine the morphology of semicrystalline polymers. PNAS (2023), 120 (27), e2217363120,

S. Weininger, M. Neudorf, S. Gröger, E. Plato, R. Broneske, K. Saalwächter, U. Weininger, J. Balbach* Early Stage UV-B Induced Molecular Modifications of Human Eye Lens γD-Crystallin, Macromol Biosci (2023), 23 (5), 2200526,

A. Winter, F. Hamdi, A. Eichhöfer, K. Saalwächter, P. L. Kastritis, F. Haase* Enhancing Structural Control in Covalent Organic Frameworks through Steric Interaction-Driven Linker Design. ChemRxiv. Cambridge: Cambridge Open Engage (2023), This content is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed.

Q. Yu, A. Anuar, A. Petzold, J. Balko, K. Saalwächter*, T. Thurn-Albrecht* The Semicrystalline Morphology of Polybutylene Succinate Supports a General Scheme Based on Intracrystalline Dynamics. Macromol Chem Phys (2023), 2200459,


Matthias Hartlieb
Reimund Stadler Award 2024 by GdCh

Joanna Heinzelmann, Karsten Mäder, Arne Viestenz and team
First place at Hugo Junkers Price, category “Most innovative projects in basic research”

Debora Gasperini
ERC Consolidator Grant for research project „MECHANOJAS”


Opening of Bethge-Center for Micro-Characterisation
Sudden hearing loss: A small pyridoindole molecules has a positive effect oft he auditory functions
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