Photo-iniferter RAFT polymerization for PLA modification

Mathias Hartlieb, Andreas Taubert, Katja Arndt and their teams recently published, how photo-iniferter RAFT polymerization can be used for modification of 3D-printed PLA structures und the application as antimicrobial water filters.

Lehnen, A.-C., Hanke, S., Schneider, M., Radelof, C. M. L., Perestrelo, J., Reinicke, S., Reifarth, M., Taubert, A., Arndt, K. M., Hartlieb, M. Modification of 3D-printed PLA structures using Photo-iniferter RAFT Polymerization: Toward on-demand antimicrobial water filters. Macromol Rapid Commun. 44 (22), e2300408, 2023, (open access)

New professor: Erica Lilleodden
Ring-Opening polymerization of achiral acid-N-carboxy-anhydrides
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