CRC1636: Elementary Process of Light-Driven Reactions at Nanoscale Metals

Collaborative research center (CRC) at University of Potsdam (UP), 2024-2027

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Vision & aims

Light-driven chemistry at nanoscale metals is an emerging, interdisciplinary research field. Chemical reactions that are amplified by coupling light to charge oscillations in the metal are known as “plasmonic chemistry”, with controversial details such as the relevance of charge transfer and local heating in various reactions. CRC 1336 aims at (1) developing a comprehensive, fundamental microscopic understanding of the elementary processes that lead to light-driven chemical reactions at nanoscale metals, (2) establishing new chemical protocols, to make useful chemical reactions more selective and efficient. The CRC focuses on ultrafast elementary steps and concentrates on physical processes that form the basis of relevant chemical reactions and take place at nanoscale metals, such as organic coupling reactions and polymerizations, and the production and functionalization of particles.

Participating PIs

  • Prof. Matias Bargheer (speaker)
  • Prof. Ilko Bald (co-speaker)
  • Prof. Henrike Müller-Werkmeister
  • Prof. Yan Lu
  • Prof. Renske van der Veen (HZB)
  • Prof. Markus Gühr (DESY)
  • Prof. Alexander Föhlisch (HZB)
  • Prof. Peter Saalfrank
  • Prof. Janet Anders
  • Prof. Svetlana Santer
  • Prof. Kurt Busch (HU)
  • Prof. Regina Hoffmann-Vogel
  • Prof. Tillmann Klamroth
  • Prof. Alexander Böker
  • Prof. Jamima Kneipp (HU)
  • Prof. Helmut Schlaad
  • Dr. Matthias Hartlieb
  • Prof. Heiko Möller
  • Prof. Claudia Pacholski (BHT)
  • Prof. Stefan Hecht (HU)
  • Dr. Evgeni Titov (HU)
  • Prof. Bernd Schmidt
  • Prof. Andreas Taubert
  • Dr. Marc Herzog
  • Prof. Amitabh Banerji
  • Prof. Carsten Henkel
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