Biomembrane model systems

Artificial lipid systems allow studies of membrane proteins and their complexes in a plethora of applications. They are used to gain mechanistic insights into how biologicalcells function, to develop pharmaceuticals that target membrane receptors and enzymes and to develop hybrid synthetic and natural materials with new properties, e.g. for drug delivery and vaccines. They provide a controlled environment for studies bybiochemistry, fluorescence spectroscopy, modern high resolution fluorescencemicroscopy and cryo electron microscopy.

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Portrait Prof. Dr. Kirsten Bacia

Prof. Dr. Kirsten Bacia


Grimmer M, Bacia K. Giant Endoplasmic Reticulum vesicles (GERVs), a novel model membrane tool. Sci.Rep. 2020, 10(1), 3100.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-59700-1

Auerswald J, Ebenhan J, Schwieger J, Scrima A, Meister A, Bacia K. Measuring protein insertion areas in lipid monolayers by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Biophys. J. 2021, 120 (8), 1333-1342. DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2021.02.011

Werner S, Ebert H, Lechner BD, Lange F, …, Blume A, Saalwächter K, Tschierske C, Bacia K. Dendritic Domains with Hexagonal Symmetry Formed by X-Shaped Bolapolyphiles in Lipid Membranes. Chem. Eur. J. 2015,  21(24), 8840-8850. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201405994

Collaborative research centers / Network

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Patents / Awards

Hugo Junkers Prize 2013 „Innovativstes Vorhaben der Grundlagenforschung“, 3. Preis | Kirsten Bacia

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