Degradable rubber
Reuse and life-cycle-enhancement of rubbers is among the most pressing societal needs, as they form a significant amount of the overall polymer-waste mostly form tyres. Both, chemical synthesis, novel catalysts, and enzymatic degradation of rubber are studied to generate polymers with improved life-cycle as modern, environmentally friendly materials. Novel synthetic methodologies, self-healing behavior and the use of rubber-degrading enzymes intertwines technology with fundamental research.

Prof. Dr. Mario Beiner

Prof. Dr. Martin Weissenborn

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang H. Binder

Prof. Dr. Kay Saalwächter
Adjedje VKB, Schell E, Wolf YL, Laub A, Weissenborn MJ, Binder WH. Enzymatic degradation of synthetic polyisoprenes via surfactant-free polymer emulsification. Green Chemistry 2021, 23 (23), 9433-9438,
Nagaraja SM, Henning S, Ilisch S, Beiner M. Common Origin of Filler Network Related Contributions to Reinforcement and
Dissipation in Rubber Composites. Polymers 2021, 13 (15), 2534.
Chen S, Mahmood N, Beiner M, Binder WH. Self-Healing Materials from V- and H-Shaped Supramolecular Architectures. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2015, 54 (35), 10188-10192.
Karekar A, Schicktanz C, Tariq M, Oßwald K, Reincke K, Cepus V, Langer B, Saalwächter K. Effects of artificial weathering in NR/SBR elastomer blends. Polym. Degrad. Stab. 2023, 208, 110267.
Karekar A, Oßwald K, Reincke K, Langer B, Saalwächter K. NMR Studies on the Phase-Resolved Evolution of Cross-Link Densities in Thermo-Oxidatively Aged Elastomer Blends. Macromolecules 2020, 53, 24, 11166-11177.
Mordvikin A, Döhler D, Binder WH, Colby RH, Saalwächter K. Terminal Flow of Cluster-Forming Supramolecular Polymer Networks: Single-Chain Relaxation or Micelle Reorganization?. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2020, 125, 127801.
Patents / Awards
Patent „Biomimetic synthetic rubber“ (WO2020/043268), Wendler, U.; Malke, M.; Müller, L.G.B.; Schulze Gronover, Ch.; Prüfer, D.; Wötzel, J.; Beiner, M.; Gupta, G.
Hugo Junkers Prize 2020 „Innovativstes Projekt der Angewandten Forschung“