Fibrosis & Immunology

Any non-self surface activates the first response of the immune system, the innate immune cascade complement. This leads to cell activation that can culminate in a fibrosis response to enclose biomaterials resulting in the failure of the intended applications. We will engage at different levels of these processes to define the underlying bio-responses at a molecular level. Consequently, we will generate tailor-made applications to overcome these detrimental, unwanted body responses to stir the function and lifetime of modern biomaterials.

Icon Immunology
Portrait Prof. Dr. Sonja M. Keßler

Prof. Dr. Sonja M. Keßler

Portrait Christine Dierks

Prof. Dr. Christine Dierks


Kendzia, S.; et int; Kessler, S. M. A combined computational and functional approach identifies IGF2BP2 as a driver of chemoresistance in a wide array of pre-clinical models of colorectal cancer. Mol Cancer 2023 22:89,

Czepukojc, B.; Barghash, A.; Tierling, S.; Simon, Y.; Körbel, C.; Cadenas, C.; van Hul, N.; Sachinidis, A.; Hengstler, J.G.; Helms, V.; Laschke, M.W.; Walter, J.; Haybaeck, J.; Leclercq, I.; Kiemer, A.K.; Kessler, S.M. IGF2 mRNABinding Protein 2 Transgenic Mice Are More Prone to Develop a Ductular Reaction and to Progress Toward Cirrhosis. Front Med 2019 6, 179,

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